+   -  Table of Contents: Games on 1/10/2024 for 1/10/2024  +   -  1/10/2024 7:03 PM 7:19 PM 7:36 PM 7:52 PM 8:07 PM 8:22 PM 8:37 PM 8:52 PM
 +   -  Game 1/10/2024 7:03 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 3 Drayke 13,292 146% 4 Gaza 11,092 122% 6 Fluffo 9,612 106% 9 Artemis 7,782 86% 11 Inappropriate 5,522 61% Shake and Drayke 53,449 118% 2 Commander-Snake 13,612 150% 5 NooBz316 11,041 121% 7 BigB 9,521 105% 8 Gypsy 8,171 90% 12 Aqua 4,651 51% Snakes Gooby 51,695 114% 1 Ultimate Ligma 14,202 156% 10 Deathstalker 6,701 74% 13 Colour 1,931 21% 14 Rainbow 77 1,840 20% 15 Western Deer 1,370 15% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 31,252 69% Teams Average 40,113 88%
 +   -  Game 1/10/2024 7:19 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 Plank 13,322 157% 4 Elmo 11,752 139% 6 Sawdust 9,702 115% 7 Tech_Deck205 8,512 101% 8 ShaniaRenee7 7,692 91% D-dog and the Blazers 52,509 124% 1 Trillho 14,812 175% 3 Civ 12,452 147% 5 Serenity 9,981 118% 9 Neo Tempest 6,451 76% 14 Bfg 1,170 14% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 49,352 117% 10 Baby Yoda 6,421 76% 11 Kachowww 3,930 46% 12 Bulldogs 3,701 44% 13 Thetrue_pickl3 1,360 16% 15 Toothpaste 800 9% Baby Yoda's team 25,128 59% Teams Average 37,353 88%
 +   -  Game 1/10/2024 7:36 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 Aj 11,192 153% 5 Cereal Killa 8,881 122% 6 Midgette 8,401 115% 8 Dorky 7,001 96% 14 CaptainEmmerica 1,600 22% Erika Freaked Out! 41,894 115% 3 Fluffo 11,112 152% 4 Gaza 9,800 134% 7 Artemis 7,512 103% 12 Drayke 3,440 47% 15 Inappropriate 1,450 20% Shake and Drayke 37,644 103% 1 Faides 11,912 163% 9 Invader 6,201 85% 10 Cowie 5,171 71% 11 Gigantor 4,501 62% 13 Mitteh 2,210 30% The Bald and the Beautiful 29,995 82% Teams Average 33,461 92%
 +   -  Game 1/10/2024 7:52 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 NooBz316 19,912 204% 3 Commander-Snake 13,442 138% 5 BigB 9,941 102% 6 Gypsy 9,501 97% 13 Aqua 5,451 56% Snakes Gooby 64,071 131% 2 Plank 15,702 161% 7 Tech_Deck205 9,472 97% 9 ShaniaRenee7 8,401 86% 10 Sawdust 7,452 76% 11 Elmo 7,181 73% D-dog and the Blazers 49,654 102% 4 Ultimate Ligma 11,122 114% 8 Deathstalker 9,342 96% 12 Colour 5,731 59% 14 Rainbow 77 2,551 26% 15 Western Deer -1,330 -14% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 32,899 67% Teams Average 44,624 91%
 +   -  Game 1/10/2024 8:07 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 Trillho 12,792 154% 6 Serenity 9,162 110% 7 Neo Tempest 7,411 89% 9 Civ 5,902 71% 10 Bfg 4,821 58% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 44,096 106% 1 Faides 13,552 163% 3 Cowie 11,732 141% 4 Gigantor 10,272 123% 8 Invader 6,051 73% 15 Mitteh 1,010 12% The Bald and the Beautiful 42,617 102% 5 Thetrue_pickl3 9,912 119% 11 Toothpaste 4,641 56% 12 Kachowww 4,540 55% 13 Baby Yoda 2,910 35% 14 Bulldogs 2,620 31% Baby Yoda's team 38,165 92% Teams Average 35,776 86%
 +   -  Game 1/10/2024 8:22 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Gaza 16,792 174% 4 Drayke 11,272 117% 6 Fluffo 8,922 92% 11 Artemis 7,132 74% 12 Inappropriate 6,162 64% Shake and Drayke 56,816 118% 2 NooBz316 14,752 153% 7 Commander-Snake 8,471 88% 9 Aqua 7,832 81% 10 BigB 7,781 81% 14 Gypsy 5,071 52% Snakes Gooby 48,297 100% 3 Aj 11,532 119% 5 Cereal Killa 10,402 108% 8 Dorky 8,031 83% 13 Midgette 6,081 63% 15 CaptainEmmerica -800 -8% Erika Freaked Out! 39,827 82% Teams Average 43,144 89%
 +   -  Game 1/10/2024 8:37 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Plank 16,242 173% 3 Tech_Deck205 11,962 127% 5 ShaniaRenee7 11,502 122% 6 Elmo 10,292 109% 10 Sawdust 7,612 81% D-dog and the Blazers 59,338 126% 2 Ultimate Ligma 13,192 140% 7 Colour 9,972 106% 11 Deathstalker 7,341 78% 13 Rainbow 77 3,101 33% 15 Western Deer 2,251 24% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 43,028 92% 4 Trillho 11,561 123% 8 Civ 7,981 85% 9 Serenity 7,842 83% 12 Neo Tempest 5,211 55% 14 Bfg 2,541 27% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 38,649 82% Teams Average 42,868 91%
 +   -  Game 1/10/2024 8:52 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 Aj 10,672 116% 3 Midgette 10,592 115% 6 Cereal Killa 9,142 99% 8 CaptainEmmerica 8,451 92% 10 Dorky 7,761 84% Erika Freaked Out! 52,678 114% 4 Baby Yoda 10,262 111% 9 Thetrue_pickl3 8,432 92% 11 Bulldogs 7,200 78% 14 Toothpaste 1,980 21% 15 Kachowww 1,710 19% Baby Yoda's team 45,855 100% 1 Faides 11,732 127% 5 Cowie 9,471 103% 7 Gigantor 8,861 96% 12 Mitteh 5,051 55% 13 Invader 4,551 49% The Bald and the Beautiful 39,666 86% Teams Average 38,623 84%