+   -  Table of Contents: Games on 15/10/2024 for 15/10/2024  +   -  15/10/2024 6:51 PM 7:05 PM 7:21 PM 7:35 PM 7:50 PM 8:05 PM 8:19 PM 8:34 PM
 +   -  Game 15/10/2024 6:51 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Gaza 15,882 208% 4 Artemis 9,792 128% 5 Fluffo 9,622 126% 6 The Hawk 9,462 124% 8 Drayke 6,170 81% Shake and Drayke 53,474 140% 2 Trillho 12,381 162% 7 Civ 7,741 102% 9 Serenity 6,062 79% 10 Vorlanith 4,381 57% 14 Neo Tempest 1,940 25% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 35,755 94% 3 Aj 10,302 135% 11 Beans 3,711 49% 12 Dorky 3,190 42% 13 Midgette 2,420 32% 15 Mase007r 830 11% Erika Freaked Out! 25,157 66% Teams Average 34,629 91%
 +   -  Game 15/10/2024 7:05 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 NooBz316 16,172 167% 2 Commander-Snake 15,512 160% 3 Aqua 11,662 121% 5 Goosby 10,992 114% 8 Gypsy 8,712 90% Snakes Gooby 69,355 143% 4 Deathstalker 11,192 116% 6 Ultimate Ligma 10,691 111% 7 Colour 9,552 99% 14 Western Deer 3,641 38% 15 Rainbow 77 361 4% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 42,524 88% 9 ShaniaRenee7 8,351 86% 10 Master Arbel 6,921 72% 11 Flash 6,761 70% 12 Muffin Man 4,611 48% 13 Sawdust 4,341 45% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 33,153 69% Teams Average 43,157 89%
 +   -  Game 15/10/2024 7:21 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Gaza 17,552 172% 5 Fluffo 10,752 105% 8 Drayke 9,612 94% 10 Artemis 8,492 83% 11 The Hawk 7,572 74% Shake and Drayke 56,679 111% 4 Midgette 11,072 108% 6 Aj 10,321 101% 9 Mase007r 8,782 86% 12 Dorky 7,552 74% 14 Beans 6,022 59% Erika Freaked Out! 53,811 105% 2 Faides 11,442 112% 3 Cowie 11,262 110% 7 Gigantor 10,202 100% 13 Invader 6,042 59% 15 94Kilograham 3,981 39% The Bald and the Beautiful 42,929 84% Teams Average 46,886 92%
 +   -  Game 15/10/2024 7:35 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 Flash 12,232 155% 4 Master Arbel 10,541 134% 6 ShaniaRenee7 9,672 123% 11 Sawdust 4,971 63% 13 Muffin Man 3,601 46% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 43,888 112% 1 Ultimate Ligma 14,712 187% 5 Deathstalker 9,831 125% 8 Colour 6,491 82% 12 Rainbow 77 4,251 54% 15 Western Deer -1,400 -18% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 40,662 103% 3 Plank 12,132 154% 7 Keirlos3 8,261 105% 9 Bulldogs 5,700 72% 10 Tech_Deck205 5,481 70% 14 Elmo 2,940 37% D-dog and the Blazers 33,478 85% Teams Average 36,472 93%
 +   -  Game 15/10/2024 7:50 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 4 Aj 8,471 123% 6 Dorky 7,640 111% 7 Midgette 7,462 108% 10 Mase007r 5,771 84% 11 Beans 4,440 65% Erika Freaked Out! 41,554 121% 1 Commander-Snake 9,952 145% 2 NooBz316 9,611 140% 12 Goosby 4,200 61% 13 Aqua 3,341 49% 14 Gypsy 2,240 33% Snakes Gooby 32,278 94% 3 Cowie 9,011 131% 5 Gigantor 8,072 117% 8 Faides 6,411 93% 9 Invader 6,241 91% 15 94Kilograham -390 -6% The Bald and the Beautiful 29,345 85% Teams Average 30,824 90%
 +   -  Game 15/10/2024 8:05 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Plank 13,352 154% 3 Keirlos3 11,481 133% 5 Bulldogs 10,322 119% 6 Tech_Deck205 10,042 116% 11 Elmo 5,471 63% D-dog and the Blazers 49,147 114% 2 Ultimate Ligma 12,562 145% 8 Deathstalker 8,481 98% 10 Colour 6,671 77% 12 Western Deer 4,631 54% 13 Rainbow 77 4,611 53% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 44,347 102% 4 Trillho 10,831 125% 7 Civ 8,832 102% 9 Serenity 8,222 95% 14 Vorlanith 3,661 42% 15 Neo Tempest 1,470 17% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 36,317 84% Teams Average 40,213 93%
 +   -  Game 15/10/2024 8:19 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Plank 12,352 168% 2 Elmo 11,752 160% 4 Bulldogs 9,032 123% 6 Keirlos3 8,621 117% 9 Tech_Deck205 7,622 104% D-dog and the Blazers 47,897 131% 3 Cowie 9,622 131% 7 94Kilograham 7,922 108% 8 Faides 7,892 108% 10 Gigantor 5,970 81% 12 Invader 4,831 66% The Bald and the Beautiful 36,237 99% 5 Goosby 8,821 120% 11 Aqua 5,050 69% 13 Commander-Snake 4,700 64% 14 Gypsy 2,610 36% 15 NooBz316 2,430 33% Snakes Gooby 25,972 71% Teams Average 36,409 99%
 +   -  Game 15/10/2024 8:34 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Drayke 15,112 190% 2 Gaza 14,181 178% 4 Artemis 10,782 135% 8 The Hawk 8,531 107% 9 Fluffo 5,141 65% Shake and Drayke 56,434 142% 3 Trillho 12,352 155% 5 Serenity 10,302 129% 10 Neo Tempest 4,461 56% 11 Vorlanith 3,911 49% 12 Civ 3,661 46% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 38,155 96% 6 ShaniaRenee7 9,482 119% 7 Flash 8,862 111% 13 Master Arbel 3,490 44% 14 Muffin Man 1,530 19% 15 Sawdust -170 -2% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 24,817 62% Teams Average 37,209 93%