+   -  Table of Contents: Games on 22/10/2024 for 22/10/2024  +   -  22/10/2024 6:51 PM 7:08 PM 7:23 PM 7:39 PM 7:55 PM 8:10 PM 8:25 PM 8:40 PM 8:55 PM
 +   -  Game 22/10/2024 6:51 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 4 Ultimate Ligma 9,371 114% 5 Colour 8,141 99% 9 Rainbow 77 5,711 70% 10 Deathstalker 5,191 63% 11 Western Deer 4,891 60% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 39,966 97% 2 Gaza 12,732 155% 6 Artemis 7,411 90% 7 Drayke 6,911 84% 12 Fluffo 3,691 45% 13 Inappropriate 3,201 39% Shake and Drayke 38,358 94% 1 Plank 14,832 181% 3 Keirlos3 11,692 143% 8 Elmo 6,391 78% 14 Rott 1,211 15% D-dog and the Blazers 36,514 111% Teams Average 33,792 88%
 +   -  Game 22/10/2024 7:08 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Civ 12,662 161% 2 Trillho 12,651 161% 6 Serenity 7,551 96% 10 Vorlanith 4,711 60% 11 Neo Tempest 4,221 54% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 45,975 117% 3 Aj 10,692 136% 5 Midgette 8,692 111% 7 Dorky 7,171 91% 8 Mase007r 5,661 72% 9 Cereal Killa 4,861 62% Erika Freaked Out! 42,638 108% 4 Bulldogs 9,181 117% 12 Baby Yoda 4,071 52% 13 Kachowww 1,680 21% 14 Beans 420 5% Baby Yoda's team 21,492 68% Teams Average 31,408 86%
 +   -  Game 22/10/2024 7:23 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Goosby 12,552 191% 2 NooBz316 12,262 187% 4 Commander-Snake 9,771 149% 8 Gypsy 4,451 68% 9 Aqua 3,190 49% Snakes Gooby 46,448 141% 3 Faides 10,021 153% 5 Cowie 9,202 140% 7 Webe 7,832 119% 12 94Kilograham 2,721 41% 13 CaptainEmmerica 1,460 22% The Bald and the Beautiful 32,173 98% 6 Ultimate Ligma 8,331 127% 10 Deathstalker 3,180 48% 11 Colour 3,110 47% 14 Western Deer 1,000 15% 15 Rainbow 77 950 14% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 19,885 61% Teams Average 30,011 91%
 +   -  Game 22/10/2024 7:39 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 Aj 12,902 170% 4 Midgette 9,482 125% 6 Dorky 7,711 101% 8 Cereal Killa 7,421 98% 9 Mase007r 4,901 64% Erika Freaked Out! 48,779 128% 1 Plank 14,522 191% 3 Keirlos3 9,651 127% 7 Elmo 7,571 100% 10 Rott 3,641 48% D-dog and the Blazers 37,861 124% 5 ShaniaRenee7 8,752 115% 11 Flash 3,620 48% 12 Muffin Man 2,380 31% 13 Master Arbel 2,150 28% 14 Sawdust 1,660 22% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 19,861 52% Teams Average 32,121 90%
 +   -  Game 22/10/2024 7:55 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 NooBz316 11,242 142% 3 Goosby 11,131 140% 4 Gypsy 10,182 128% 7 Commander-Snake 6,371 80% 8 Aqua 5,971 75% Snakes Gooby 49,386 125% 1 Trillho 12,191 154% 5 Serenity 9,001 113% 10 Neo Tempest 4,931 62% 11 Civ 4,901 62% 12 Vorlanith 4,601 58% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 39,187 99% 6 Bulldogs 6,891 87% 9 Baby Yoda 5,891 74% 13 Beans 2,791 35% 14 Kachowww 480 6% Baby Yoda's team 22,474 71% Teams Average 32,192 87%
 +   -  Game 22/10/2024 8:10 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 Artemis 10,772 198% 3 Gaza 9,870 181% 4 Drayke 5,960 109% 7 Fluffo 3,871 71% 14 Inappropriate 1,400 26% Shake and Drayke 36,016 132% 1 Ultimate Ligma 14,852 273% 9 Colour 3,190 59% 11 Western Deer 2,420 44% 12 Rainbow 77 2,070 38% 15 Deathstalker -220 -4% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 26,774 98% 5 Faides 5,861 108% 6 Cowie 4,390 81% 8 CaptainEmmerica 3,291 60% 10 Webe 3,160 58% 13 94Kilograham 1,641 30% The Bald and the Beautiful 18,893 69% Teams Average 24,176 89%
 +   -  Game 22/10/2024 8:25 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 Bulldogs 11,012 117% 4 Kachowww 8,622 92% 5 Baby Yoda 7,911 84% 7 Beans 7,282 78% Baby Yoda's team 48,757 130% 1 Aj 11,632 124% 3 Cereal Killa 10,852 116% 6 Midgette 7,561 81% 8 Dorky 7,011 75% 11 Mase007r 5,281 56% Erika Freaked Out! 48,687 104% 9 Master Arbel 5,911 63% 10 Muffin Man 5,341 57% 12 ShaniaRenee7 4,861 52% 13 Sawdust 4,811 51% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 24,481 65% Teams Average 32,696 80%
 +   -  Game 22/10/2024 8:40 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Trillho 14,422 175% 6 Civ 8,052 97% 8 Serenity 6,692 81% 10 Neo Tempest 5,651 68% 11 Vorlanith 5,031 61% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 43,832 106% 4 Goosby 10,102 122% 5 Commander-Snake 9,992 121% 7 Aqua 8,022 97% 9 Gypsy 5,981 72% 12 NooBz316 4,050 49% Snakes Gooby 41,961 102% 2 Plank 12,382 150% 3 Keirlos3 12,321 149% 13 Elmo 3,430 42% 14 Rott -250 -3% D-dog and the Blazers 29,834 90% Teams Average 35,293 92%
 +   -  Game 22/10/2024 8:55 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Gaza 17,932 180% 8 Drayke 8,721 87% 9 Fluffo 7,401 74% 10 Artemis 6,851 69% 13 Inappropriate 4,991 50% Shake and Drayke 51,862 104% 3 ShaniaRenee7 12,022 120% 4 Master Arbel 11,882 119% 5 Muffin Man 11,262 113% 11 Sawdust 6,512 65% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 48,763 122% 2 Faides 12,592 126% 6 Webe 9,662 97% 7 Cowie 9,232 92% 12 94Kilograham 5,482 55% 14 CaptainEmmerica 1,100 11% The Bald and the Beautiful 39,210 79% Teams Average 41,881 90%