+   -  Table of Contents: Games on 29/10/2024 for 29/10/2024  +   -  29/10/2024 6:53 PM 7:09 PM 7:24 PM 7:39 PM 7:54 PM 8:09 PM 8:25 PM 8:40 PM 8:55 PM
 +   -  Game 29/10/2024 6:53 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Plank 15,402 162% 2 Keirlos3 12,242 129% 3 Tech_Deck205 11,462 120% 9 Elmo 9,222 97% D-dog and the Blazers 48,328 127% 6 Drayke 10,682 112% 7 Artemis 9,911 104% 8 Gaza 9,382 99% 11 Fluffo 5,062 53% 12 The Hawk 4,491 47% Shake and Drayke 41,504 87% 4 Faides 10,762 113% 5 Cowie 10,742 113% 10 94Kilograham 6,222 65% 13 Banksy 3,061 32% The Bald and the Beautiful 33,865 89% Teams Average 39,548 96%
 +   -  Game 29/10/2024 7:09 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 Aj 11,352 141% 5 Dorky 9,342 116% 7 Cereal Killa 6,621 82% 10 Midgette 5,641 70% 11 Beans 5,331 66% Erika Freaked Out! 44,030 110% 1 Goosby 12,032 150% 4 Commander-Snake 10,322 128% 8 BigB 6,581 82% 12 Gypsy 4,731 59% 15 Aqua 1,940 24% Snakes Gooby 40,946 102% 3 Trillho 11,251 140% 6 Serenity 8,311 103% 9 Civ 6,501 81% 13 Vorlanith 3,231 40% 14 Neo Tempest 3,010 37% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 35,534 88% Teams Average 35,399 88%
 +   -  Game 29/10/2024 7:24 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Faides 12,982 140% 2 Cowie 10,362 112% 5 94Kilograham 9,182 99% 8 Banksy 6,351 68% The Bald and the Beautiful 42,764 115% 6 Thetrue_pickl3 7,541 81% 7 Bulldogs 6,551 71% 9 Baby Yoda 6,152 66% 12 Kachowww 5,561 60% 13 Toothpaste 470 5% Baby Yoda's team 40,726 88% 3 ShaniaRenee7 10,092 109% 4 Tech_Deck205 9,662 104% 10 Sawdust 5,991 65% 11 Muffin Man 5,951 64% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 37,084 100% Teams Average 32,283 80%
 +   -  Game 29/10/2024 7:39 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Gaza 18,202 324% 3 Drayke 7,971 142% 5 Fluffo 6,271 112% 6 Artemis 5,241 93% 7 The Hawk 4,431 79% Shake and Drayke 44,221 158% 2 Aj 8,662 154% 8 Cereal Killa 4,310 77% 10 Dorky 3,160 56% 12 Midgette 2,020 36% 14 Beans 640 11% Erika Freaked Out! 21,610 77% 4 Ultimate Ligma 7,821 139% 9 Colour 3,220 57% 11 Deathstalker 2,690 48% 13 Rainbow 77 1,230 22% 15 Western Deer 340 6% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 18,361 65% Teams Average 25,403 91%
 +   -  Game 29/10/2024 7:54 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Commander-Snake 13,562 192% 6 Goosby 7,321 103% 9 Aqua 4,150 59% 11 BigB 4,041 57% 12 Gypsy 3,991 56% Snakes Gooby 38,024 107% 3 Civ 10,442 148% 4 Trillho 9,981 141% 7 Vorlanith 4,741 67% 13 Serenity 3,241 46% 14 Neo Tempest 860 12% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 32,191 91% 2 Plank 10,582 150% 5 Keirlos3 9,851 139% 8 Elmo 4,330 61% 10 Tech_Deck205 4,070 58% D-dog and the Blazers 28,833 102% Teams Average 30,388 92%
 +   -  Game 29/10/2024 8:09 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Ultimate Ligma 21,562 264% 4 Deathstalker 8,251 101% 6 Colour 6,951 85% 9 Rainbow 77 4,831 59% 10 Western Deer 4,291 53% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 55,063 135% 3 Aj 10,722 131% 5 Cereal Killa 7,021 86% 7 Dorky 5,431 67% 8 Midgette 5,291 65% 12 Beans 3,241 40% Erika Freaked Out! 36,461 89% 2 ShaniaRenee7 11,092 136% 11 Sawdust 4,101 50% 13 Muffin Man 2,760 34% 14 Gypsy 150 2% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 22,628 69% Teams Average 31,898 84%
 +   -  Game 29/10/2024 8:25 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Commander-Snake 13,422 146% 2 Goosby 13,142 143% 3 Aqua 12,952 141% 7 Gypsy 9,342 102% 9 BigB 8,181 89% Snakes Gooby 65,594 143% 4 The Hawk 10,462 114% 5 Artemis 10,011 109% 6 Gaza 9,921 108% 8 Fluffo 9,021 98% 13 Drayke 2,361 26% Shake and Drayke 43,864 95% 10 Bulldogs 6,641 72% 11 Thetrue_pickl3 5,211 57% 12 Baby Yoda 3,391 37% 14 Kachowww 2,160 23% 15 Toothpaste 990 11% Baby Yoda's team 28,509 62% Teams Average 39,069 85%
 +   -  Game 29/10/2024 8:40 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Ultimate Ligma 15,532 168% 2 Deathstalker 11,892 129% 6 Rainbow 77 7,922 86% 9 Colour 6,571 71% 13 Western Deer 3,831 41% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 54,897 119% 3 Trillho 11,131 120% 4 Civ 10,622 115% 5 Serenity 10,242 111% 8 Neo Tempest 7,581 82% 11 Vorlanith 5,251 57% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 49,309 107% 7 ShaniaRenee7 7,611 82% 10 Fluffo 5,941 64% 12 Muffin Man 4,821 52% 14 Sawdust 2,751 30% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 25,348 68% Teams Average 37,233 86%
 +   -  Game 29/10/2024 8:55 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 4 Bulldogs 9,861 110% 7 Baby Yoda 7,372 83% 11 Toothpaste 3,851 43% 12 Kachowww 3,621 41% 13 Thetrue_pickl3 3,461 39% Baby Yoda's team 43,657 98% 1 Plank 13,232 148% 2 Keirlos3 13,171 148% 6 Tech_Deck205 9,021 101% 8 Elmo 5,721 64% D-dog and the Blazers 41,145 115% 3 Faides 10,712 120% 5 Cowie 9,441 106% 9 94Kilograham 4,151 47% 10 Banksy 4,091 46% The Bald and the Beautiful 31,234 87% Teams Average 32,569 84%