+   -  Table of Contents: Games on 12/11/2024 for 12/11/2024  +   -  12/11/2024 6:48 PM 7:03 PM 7:17 PM 7:31 PM 7:46 PM 8:00 PM 8:15 PM 8:30 PM 8:44 PM
 +   -  Game 12/11/2024 6:48 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Plank 14,472 182% 4 Elmo 9,942 125% 6 Keirlos3 9,181 116% 9 Tech_Deck205 7,212 91% 14 Rott 4,321 54% D-dog and the Blazers 45,128 114% 2 Faides 11,302 142% 3 Gigantor 10,262 129% 7 Invader 7,981 100% 10 Cowie 6,700 84% 12 94Kilograham 5,362 67% The Bald and the Beautiful 41,607 105% 5 Artemis 9,472 119% 8 Gaza 7,351 92% 11 Fluffo 6,581 83% 13 Drayke 4,841 61% 15 The Hawk 4,251 53% Shake and Drayke 32,496 82% Teams Average 39,744 100%
 +   -  Game 12/11/2024 7:03 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Aj 14,412 135% 2 Rogue 14,022 132% 4 Cereal Killa 11,382 107% 6 Midgette 10,142 95% 7 Mase007r 10,052 94% Erika Freaked Out! 63,010 118% 3 ShaniaRenee7 12,732 120% 5 Sawdust 10,592 99% 9 Muffin Man 7,461 70% 10 NotBasilisk 6,901 65% 14 Zuko 4,281 40% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 50,360 95% 8 Baby Yoda 7,892 74% 11 Thetrue_pickl3 6,201 58% 12 Kachowww 6,021 57% 13 Bulldogs 5,801 54% 15 Toothpaste 3,991 37% Baby Yoda's team 46,354 87% Teams Average 43,961 83%
 +   -  Game 12/11/2024 7:17 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 3 Fluffo 11,122 143% 4 Gaza 9,990 129% 6 Drayke 8,440 109% 7 Artemis 7,972 103% 9 The Hawk 4,981 64% Shake and Drayke 42,505 109% 1 Serenity 13,592 175% 5 Civ 8,601 111% 8 Vorlanith 6,982 90% 10 Neo Tempest 4,330 56% 14 Destiny 1,560 20% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 42,078 108% 2 Deathstalker 11,402 147% 11 Ultimate Ligma 4,091 53% 12 Beans 3,941 51% 13 Rainbow 77 3,761 48% 15 Western Deer 1,410 18% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 31,934 82% Teams Average 34,058 88%
 +   -  Game 12/11/2024 7:31 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 2 NooBz316 13,382 156% 3 Commander-Snake 11,932 139% 4 BigB 9,201 107% 5 Gypsy 8,371 98% 7 Aqua 7,171 84% Snakes Gooby 52,559 123% 1 Aj 14,291 167% 6 Midgette 7,341 86% 9 Rogue 7,001 82% 10 Cereal Killa 6,871 80% 13 Mase007r 3,951 46% Erika Freaked Out! 41,427 97% 8 Bulldogs 7,111 83% 11 Baby Yoda 4,901 57% 12 Thetrue_pickl3 4,611 54% 14 Kachowww 3,001 35% 15 Toothpaste 2,580 30% Baby Yoda's team 34,416 80% Teams Average 37,239 87%
 +   -  Game 12/11/2024 7:46 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Commander-Snake 15,472 176% 4 BigB 10,471 119% 5 Aqua 10,172 116% 6 NooBz316 8,702 99% 7 Gypsy 6,971 79% Snakes Gooby 54,377 124% 2 Ultimate Ligma 14,302 163% 3 Deathstalker 10,472 119% 9 Western Deer 6,212 71% 12 Rainbow 77 4,731 54% 13 Beans 4,271 49% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 50,784 116% 8 Neo Tempest 6,661 76% 10 Civ 5,501 63% 11 Destiny 5,371 61% 14 Serenity 2,941 33% 15 Vorlanith 1,650 19% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 26,548 60% Teams Average 37,967 86%
 +   -  Game 12/11/2024 8:00 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Keirlos3 15,562 208% 2 Plank 15,172 203% 5 Elmo 9,931 133% 9 Rott 4,951 66% 11 Tech_Deck205 4,151 55% D-dog and the Blazers 49,767 133% 3 Cowie 14,082 188% 4 Faides 12,532 167% 6 Invader 7,421 99% 7 94Kilograham 6,222 83% 8 Gigantor 5,681 76% The Bald and the Beautiful 45,938 123% 10 NotBasilisk 4,540 61% 12 Muffin Man 4,091 55% 13 ShaniaRenee7 2,651 35% 14 Sawdust 1,621 22% 15 Zuko 990 13% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 16,671 45% Teams Average 36,533 98%
 +   -  Game 12/11/2024 8:15 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 3 Bulldogs 13,162 130% 5 Baby Yoda 8,652 86% 7 Kachowww 6,731 67% 10 Thetrue_pickl3 5,862 58% 14 Toothpaste 2,290 23% Baby Yoda's team 56,880 113% 1 Ultimate Ligma 17,672 175% 2 Deathstalker 14,312 142% 11 Rainbow 77 5,651 56% 13 Western Deer 4,391 43% 15 Beans -1,110 -11% Cthulhu Footsweeping Cult 51,963 103% 4 Civ 10,422 103% 6 Serenity 8,002 79% 8 Vorlanith 6,251 62% 9 Destiny 6,131 61% 12 Neo Tempest 4,821 48% The Australian Burrow of Logistics 42,752 85% Teams Average 37,747 75%
 +   -  Game 12/11/2024 8:30 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Artemis 13,022 149% 2 Gaza 12,432 142% 5 Fluffo 10,132 116% 6 The Hawk 9,602 110% 10 Drayke 7,551 86% Shake and Drayke 52,739 120% 3 Commander-Snake 11,202 128% 4 NooBz316 10,932 125% 8 BigB 7,701 88% 11 Gypsy 7,271 83% 15 Aqua 4,061 46% Snakes Gooby 43,225 99% 7 Gigantor 8,361 95% 9 Faides 7,672 88% 12 Cowie 7,061 81% 13 Invader 6,311 72% 14 94Kilograham 6,052 69% The Bald and the Beautiful 35,457 81% Teams Average 43,121 98%
 +   -  Game 12/11/2024 8:44 PM  +   -  Ratio Rank Name Score Score Ratio 1 Keirlos3 13,662 214% 2 Plank 12,342 193% 5 Elmo 8,621 135% 7 Rott 5,521 86% 8 Tech_Deck205 4,701 74% D-dog and the Blazers 44,847 140% 3 Aj 11,872 186% 4 Rogue 11,522 180% 6 Cereal Killa 7,441 116% 10 Midgette 3,520 55% 12 Mase007r 3,170 50% Erika Freaked Out! 39,401 123% 9 NotBasilisk 4,460 70% 11 Sawdust 3,410 53% 13 Muffin Man 2,350 37% 14 Zuko 1,200 19% 15 ShaniaRenee7 -1,750 -27% We had a team name, but Muffin ate it 11,604 36% Teams Average 30,681 96%